T&A Footwear
T&A Footwear Ethical Sourcing

Environmental & Ethical Commitments

T&A have strategic targets in place for year on year increases in the use of environmentally preferable materials and components in our production.

We work proactively with our sources to provide clients with access to materials that will reduce the environmental impact of their ranges.

Our key Asian sites are signed up to HIGG and we assess all new potential sites to ensure these are in keeping with our commitments.

T&A are implementing new audits within our sites to facilitate the reduction and effective management of post-production waste.

All our production sites must have a SEDEX SMETA audit as a minimum.

We are actively investing in the design and innovation of plant based materials to create recyclable footwear throughout our branded portfolio and to drive more sustainable products into the market place.

Our UK office is committed to reducing its impact on the environment.

T&A Footwear Environmental and Ethical Commitments

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